The purpose of this page is to answer those questions that frequently arise in the daily work of the Glen Rock Police Department. If you are looking for more information, please contact us under the ‘Contact Us’ link in the top-right corner.
Professional Standards/Internal Affairs
The Glen Rock Police Department holds itself to the highest level of professionalism and strives to treat everyone we contact in a fair and equal manner. The Training and Professional Standards function continually supports the highest standards of both professionalism and training among both our sworn officers and civilian employees.
The Glen Rock Police Department’s Professional Standards Unit is headed by Lt. Christopher Mc Inerney who may be contacted at (201) 670-3953 or [email protected].
If you would like to compliment or commend one of our officers or civilian staff members for action above and beyond the call of duty, or for any reason, please contact our Professional Standards Unit.
All complaints, including anonymous or third-party complaints will be thoroughly and impartially investigated. For more information on the Internal Affairs Process see the Policies and Procedures link below.
Please click here to view the Attorney Generals Internal Affairs Policies & Procedures.
The Glen Rock Police Department fully complies with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:14-181.2 which prohibits the establishment of any ticket or arrest quota. The department does not create or post data concerning the number of arrests made or tickets issued by individual members to prevent competition or comparisons between officers.
Members of the Glen Rock Police Department are specifically prohibited from considering municipal revenue when deciding as to whether to make an arrest, issue a summons or a warning. Each circumstance is unique, and officers are obligated to make any, and all enforcement decisions based upon the circumstance’s attendant to the specific violation at hand.
No officer will earn any benefit or demerit based upon the number of summonses issued or arrests made. All members of service are required to comply with legal obligations. It is the policy of the Glen Rock PD to prevent and prohibit the practice of bias-based policing, bias-based profiling, and other discriminatory practice by employees of this department in detention, interdiction, traffic contacts, field contacts, asset seizure and asset forfeiture. Bias-based policing, bias-based profiling, and discriminatory profiling are violative of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution and in direct contravention of New Jersey Attorney General Directive 2005-01 and New Jersey Attorney General Directive 2019-3
The Borough of Glen Rock is situated in northwest Bergen County, New Jersey. Our police headquarters can be found at borough hall, located at 1 Harding Plaza.
Our mailing address is:
Glen Rock Police, 1 Harding Plaza, Glen Rock, N.J 07452
Police reports are generally available SEVEN (7) TO TEN (10) business days after the report is taken.
Requests to receive police reports must be made in writing to the Glen Rock Police Records Bureau at police headquarters.
The Records Bureau is open
Monday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Tuesday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Wednesday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Thursday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
The Records Bureau is closed at night and on weekends and holidays.
No administrative services are available outside of these hours.
The Records Bureau is closed on Sundays and Holidays.
Reports must be picked-up in person or obtained via U.S. Mail. Not all police reports are public records and we reserve the right to withhold those reports which are not.
MV Accident Reports (except for fatal or serious accidents) will ordinarily be provided at the time of your request. Online access to motor vehicle accident reports is now available. Click here for your accident reports
Other reports, which involve sensitive or restricted information, may not be available for up to seven (7) days following your request. If your request is denied, you will be notified in writing.
The fee for in-persons requests is $.05 per page, however all fees under $1.00 (19 pages or less) will be waived.
To receive a report by mail, send a self addressed, stamped envelope and written request [see link below] with a copy your drivers license or other photo ID to:
Glen Rock Police Records Bureau, 1 Harding Plaza, Glen Rock , NJ 07452.
For further information call 201-670-3942.
Attorneys and Defendants:
All requests for discovery in traffic and non-indictable matters pending in the Glen Rock Municipal Court shall be submitted through the Municipal Prosecutor.
All requests for discovery in both adult criminal matters and juvenile delinquency matters pending in Superior Court shall be submitted to the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office.
Yes, local ordinance requires that all alarms (burglar, fire, panic, hold-up, etc.) be registered with the Glen Rock Police Department. The registration is the responsibility of the homeowner, tenant, business proprietor and not that of the security company.
Beginning January 1, 2011, there will be a fee to register alarms.
Forms can be picked up at the police records bureau or downloaded from this website (Alarm Registration), and mailed or dropped-off when completed.
In part, you will need to provide, the type of alarm in use, name and phone number of your alarm company, and a listing of three local emergency contacts that know your alarm code and have access to your home.
The police department does not accept keys or alarm codes to your home or business.
Failure to properly register your alarm may result in the issuance of a summons for having an unregistered alarm. A summons may also be issued if your alarm activates repeatedly due to human error or system malfunctions.
Details of the ordinance and procedures can be viewed using the “Alarm Registration” of this website.
No, New Jersey police agencies are prohibited by federal and state law from disseminating any criminal justice information, including Division of Motor Vehicle driving records, which are not specifically requested for official law enforcement investigations or other purposes.
Criminal history information is available to the general public through the New Jersey State Police, following an appropriate application process. Driver history records may be obtained directly from the New Jersey Division of Motor Vehicles. Contact a NJ Motor Vehicle Commission regional service center in your area for further information. These regulations protect the privacy of all residents of the State of New Jersey.
To claim the car, the owner of the vehicle must respond to Glen Rock Police headquarters; Mondays through Fridays between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., and sign a release for the vehicle.
If the vehicle is being driven out of the impound yard, the owner must present documentation at police headquarters, showing that they own the vehicle, that it is properly registered and insured, and that they possess a valid drivers license, before the release will be authorized.
If the vehicle credentials are up to date, and the owner’s license is suspended, they should bring additional licensed drivers along when they come for the release. If the vehicle is being towed from the impound yard, the owner must appear with the tow truck operator at police headquarters, along with proof of ownership.
This procedure includes all police impounds and does not apply to vehicles towed from motor vehicle accident scenes (unless the vehicle was impounded for a violation). Additionally, this release procedure does not apply when the vehicle has been impounded for evidential reasons.
When you come for a vehicle release you will be directed to the impound yard. Towing and storage fees will apply and are payable to the tow service at the time of pick up.
If you contact the police department in person and you are a borough resident, you will be advised, upon your request, whether there are any outstanding traffic or criminal warrants for your arrest.
You will be required to come to Police HQ in person and produce identification before any information is released.
The police department’s Traffic Division handles these type of complaints. Police units are frequently assigned to enforcement details in locations where traffic problems are known to exist, and also in response to specific complaints.
If you become aware of any traffic safety problems, please refer them to the traffic division, Sgt. Scott McGovern (201) 670-3941 Ext. 8130.
Today’s police vehicles are extensively equipped with electronics and there is no comparison between a police vehicle and a passenger vehicle driven by civilians. To begin with, many dispatched calls are sent through the in-vehicle computers. The in-vehicle computers are very much like laptops or PC’s utilized in corporate offices, with a high level of security and encryption. An Officer powers up the computer at the start of their shift, the normal power up sequence begins, then the officer will login to all the programs with their specific user name and passwords. Once all the programs are up and running, they are visible to dispatch and other resources. They can run files, interface with state and national databases and check the mapping system for pending complaints. The in-vehicle camera system must also be powered up and a login sequence completed.
With all the computer, video, radar systems and radio equipment on board our patrol vehicles, batteries are quickly drained if the vehicle is turned off. The officer would also have to restart the computer systems all over and login. In an emergency there is no time to do this. If the vehicle’s emergency lights are activated to warn of a road hazard or for a road closure, those light systems will not operate if the vehicle is turned off. Further, if the vehicle battery fails the officer is unavailable until their vehicle is jumpstarted or towed. From an equipment maintenance standpoint repeated startup inflict a lot of wear and tear on the internal electronic components thus reducing the effective period of usefulness of the equipment.
The vehicle’s interior must also be kept warm in the winter and cool in the summer because of portable equipment inside. The automated defibrillators used to treat sudden cardiac arrest have batteries and they will not function in extreme conditions when the battery is too cold or hot. Officers also carry Narcan to revive victims of opioid overdoses which is temperature sensitive. At the end of the shift, the officer removes the sensitive equipment from the vehicle to a safe and stable environment. This cannot be done in the field.
The conditions which exempt police vehicles from anti-idling laws, also apply to other emergency vehicles such as fire trucks and ambulances. The day to day conditions under which public safety personnel work are unique and demanding. While some so called “green” technology has been marketed over the years to reduce public safety vehicle idling time, none as fared well during field testing. As the equipment in most of our police vehicles is worth as much, if not more, than the vehicle itself we can ill afford taking chances that will damage our equipment and increase officer response times. We must also take into account officer safety issues related to sustained exposure to extreme weather conditions.
EMERGENCY – Dial 9-1-1
For a non-emergency police response, assistance, information, overnight parking and all other police business Call – (201) 652-3800
The Glen Rock Police Department participates in a regionalized police dispatch center (Northwest Bergen Central Dispatch). Non-emergency calls are routed through a voice-assisted menu system. To assist you in contacting us, a list of menu selections appears below. If you are calling from a rotary phone, please remain on the line and a police telecommunicator will assist you.
Glen Rock Police Voice Mail Menu Options:
- Emergency Only -connection to 911 operator
- Dispatcher regarding NON-EMERGENCY police services
- Overnight Parking
- Records Department, Chief of Police, Captain of Police, Detective Bureau, and other additional police personnel.
Municipal Court and Violations Bureau call (201) 670-3950
All other Borough information call (201) 670-3956
Please remember to have your HOUSE NUMBER clearly visible on the front of your home. Borough Ordinance requires all address identifiers to be numeric and at least three inches in height. In the case of an emergency, valuable time may be wasted while we are trying to locate your home.
The Glen Rock Police Department does not have a desk officer or in-house dispatch staff. All request for police services, both emergency and non-emergency, are routed through a regional public safety dispatch center – The Northwest Bergen Central Dispatch. If you wish to speak with a Glen Rock Police Officer by telephone you must provide a name and call back number and await a return call.
Parking on the street, or in the municipal lots (metered, resident commuter or shopper, etc.) is prohibited between the hours of 2 a.m. and 5 a.m.
In the event of an overnight guest, disabled vehicle or similar circumstance, permission for a one night exemption may be granted by calling (201) 652-3800 and following the voice prompts to speak with a dispatcher about overnight parking.
Overnight parking is prohibited on all Borough streets and Borough owned parking lots between the hours of 2AM and 5AM.
SHORT TERM OVERNIGHT PARKING: The Glen Rock Police Department is empowered to grant temporary emergency overnight parking permission due to an occasional guest, disabled vehicle, driveway repair, home construction or a dumpster being place in a resident’s driveway. Permission is granted one night at a time by telephone via the GRPD non-emergency number (201) 652-3800 (NORTHWEST BERGEN CENTRAL DISPATCH). Overnight parking requests are not accepted prior to 7PM. Operators at the Dispatch Center are prohibited from giving permission for more then five (5) consecutive nights and may not give permission for multiple nights at a time.
For short term overnight parking you must provide the vehicle’s full license plate number, make, model, color and the exact location where it will be parked. The vehicle must be otherwise legally parked.
OVERNIGHT PARKING IN SCHOOL OR PRIVATE PARKING LOTS: The Glen Rock Police Department does not have the authority to grant parking permission at these locations. Anyone wishing to park at these locations must obtain permission from the School Principal or owner in the case of private property.
LONG TERM OVERNIGHT PARKING: If a resident requires permission for more than five (5) nights the resident must appear in person at the Glen Rock Police Department Records Bureau to obtain a long term overnight parking permit. Permits will only be issued when the Records Bureau is open to the public. Permits will be issued for a period of up to 90 days. No permission will be issued for longer than 90 days.
Upon approval of a resident’s application one parking place card will be issued for each vehicle. A refundable $5.00 cash deposit per permit is required.
Long Term Overnight Parking Permit Restrictions:
1. Permit holder must be a Glen Rock Resident; however, a non-resident guest may use the permit.
2. Permits are only valid for the dates entered on the application.
3. Permits are valid on private passenger vehicles only. Commercial vehicles, trailers and recreational vehicles are not eligible for long term overnight parking permission.
4. Vehicle must be registered, insured and display current license plates (any State or Country).
5. Vehicles must not be disabled or wrecked.
6. All vehicles must be legally parked. Vehicles will not be granted permission to park in any No Parking Zone, block fire hydrants, crosswalks nor block any driveway other than the resident who has applied for the permit.
7. All vehicles must be parked at the curb line in front of the permit holder’s residence. Corner properties may park on either street.
8. If circumstances do not permit parking in front of permit holder’s residence the applicant must notify the property owner of the residence or business that the vehicle will be parked in front of. Alternate property owners do not have the legal right to deny permission to park on any public street. THE GRPD WILL NOT MAKE THIS NOTIFICATION.
9. A Permit Place Card must be hung from the review mirror of any vehicle parked overnight. Failure to do so may result in a summons being issued.
10. Permits must be removed before vehicle is driven. Violators are subject to a summons for obstructed view.
11. A $5.00 cash deposit is required for each permit issued. This deposit will be refunded to the applicant when the permit is returned to the GRPD Records Bureau Permits during those hours when the Records Bureau is open to the public. No after hours returns will be accepted. Permits must be returned within five (5) days of expiration.
12.Any permit not returned within thirty (30) days will result in forfeiture of deposit.
NOTE: In the event of snow, when roads may need to be sanded or plowed, there will be no overnight exemptions allowed.
Non-criminal fingerprinting services for private citizens including applicants for certain types of public and private employment, applicants for various permits, and potential adoptive or foster parents have been outsourced to a private State contractor. Under most circumstances local police agencies will no longer offer this service.
MorphoTrak is the authorized fingerprint vendor for the State of New Jersey. T For more information contact MorphoTrak at (877) 503-5981 or on line at
Glen Rock Residents who require fingerprinting for an out for state or federal agency which cannot be accommodated by MorphoTrak may call D/Sgt. James Calaski at (201) 670-3948.
The Glen Rock Police Department will accommodate these requests on a limited basis when personnel are available. A fee of $10.00 is required and the applicant must furnish the appropriate fingerprint cards as well as identification showing their Glen Rock address. No more than three fingerprint cards will be completed at one time.
Temporary handicapped parking permits are available through the police records bureau. The hours are as follows:
Monday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Tuesday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Wednesday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Thursday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
No administrative services are available outside of these hours.
The Records Bureau is closed on Sundays and Holidays.
The permits are valid for six months and may be renewed for an additional six months. All applications must be accompanied by the appropriate documentation (e.g. letter from your doctor).
Temporary handicapped permits are intended for non-permanent, temporary injuries and disabilities. In order to process the request you must present the completed application (along with a check for $4.00 made out to the New Jersey Division of Motor Vehicles) to the records bureau secretary. The permit will be issued within a few days. There is no cost to renew the permit for an additional six months.
Permanent handicapped parking permits and plates are issued by the New Jersey Division of Motor Vehicles. While the records bureau may have a few of these applications in stock, it is best to obtain them directly from a Division of Motor Vehicles office. These placards or plates do not expire.
The Glen Rock Police Department DOES NOT solicit over the telephone. Glen Rock police officers are members of the New Jersey State Policemen’s Benevolent Association: Local 110. As a fraternal group, Glen Rock P.B.A. Local 110 does conduct a solicitation through the mail, usually once annually.
Telephone calls from other groups representing themselves as “law enforcement” organizations are frequently made by telemarketing firms. These solicitations DO NOT benefit the Glen Rock Police Department or P.B.A. Local 110 in any way. These telemarketers are not police officers, and often use high-pressure tactics to get you to participate. Some will even say that they are affiliated with other Bergen county police agencies.
We urge you to use extreme caution should you decide to contribute to these companies. If you wish to contribute to a telemarketing solicitation, always ask for the name, address and telephone number so that you may call back after careful consideration.
Most of them will not give out this information. You may also ask for financial statements and/or budget information prior to making your decision. If you have any questions please direct them to the police department’s detective bureau.
Any civil disputes of this nature should be referred to the borough zoning or engineering department at (201) 670-3965.
The police department does not normally become involved in these types of civil matters.
No, a permit is not required. However, as a reminder, you are not permitted to post signs on telephone poles, borough shade trees, or street signs, nor are you permitted to place flyers on windshields of vehicles in parking lots.
The only form of advisement permitted is an ad in the newspaper. Please contact the Glen Rock Borough Offices at (201) 670-3956 during regular business hours if you have any questions.