Records Bureau

The Records Bureau is overseen by Sgt. Mike Trover and staffed by one full-time, civilian administrative aid. Under police supervision, the aides are charged with maintaining all police and criminal records.

They generate monthly and yearly reports that account for major police activity. In addition they process discovery and expungement requests, issues various parking permits, process all firearms applications, as well as a host of other responsibilities.

The Records Bureau is located in the lobby of police headquarters.

The hours are:


No administrative services are available outside of these hours.

The Records Bureau is closed on Weekends and Holidays.

Address: Glen Rock Police Records Bureau, 1 Harding Plaza, Glen Rock, NJ 07452

Phone: (201) 670-3942  Fax: (201) 251-3887  E-mail: [email protected]

For more information about the services available from the Records Bureau please click on

LETTER OF GOOD CONDUCT/ Individual Background Check (Individual Criminal Background Check)

Permits and Licenses

Alarm Registration